19 Tips to Improve your Website and Increase Conversions

You can have the best product in your company's industry. You can count on the best existing service. You can have the lowest prices in the market. And unfortunately even so: you may not sell anything on your website.

This is a problem that many businesses face on the internet, that is, having something good to offer but for some reason people seem to reject it. And it may be due to many factors, but in general, the problem is the website and its content.

Tips to improve your website and increase conversion

If the site does not invite the visitor to "convert," you should consider optimizing it. But ... what is a conversion?

“The convertibility of a web page is its ability to transform your web traffic into sales, quotes, contacts etc.”

That is, a less romantic conversion is when a visitor on your website does what you want it to do. Users generally convert:

Buying something
Registering to a website or web service
Subscribing to a mailing list
Downloading a file

These are not the only types of conversions on a website, but the most common ones, and the goal of any internet business will be to get as many conversions as possible.


Let's review some tips that must be taken into account to guide the user who visits your website along the yellow path to conversion.


The content is the leader in all aspects of online marketing, since it is the factor that weighs the most in the organic positioning of a site, it is what generates links, brings reviews, obtains mentions in social media, etc.

For this reason the content must be relevant and not only be, but also seem. The user's attention on a site that visits for the first time looking for something is fleeting and we want to take advantage of it in the best way.

1. Offer only relevant and interesting content before

As I mentioned at the beginning, you can count on the best product in your industry, but if to prove it you fill a page with encyclopedic blocks of text, visitors will not even bother to know it.

Take the most important points (those that express to the user the direct benefits of converting your site) and express them in concise, clear paragraphs with a fresh and friendly tone.

Bored the user: one of the most common sins in web convertibility.

2. Provides diversity in content

 Why offer a single type of content with so many attractive forms that exist today? You can (and should) offer:

Text (with the guidelines of point 1)
Images (that match the rest of the content and that are relevant)
Videos (of good audiovisual quality both promotional and supporting any process)
Testimonials (or reviews generated by satisfied users)
Other visual support materials (such as graphs or attractive infographics)

3. Have calls to action at hand

The key is not to include a call to action at the end of a long process towards conversion. If not the opposite. Look at the green buttons on the Freshbooks homepage. It's hard not to notice them. These are spread across the entire website.

The process towards conversion has to be as light and clear as possible. And at every step of the convincing process in which a visitor enters to look for your products or services there should be a call to action.

The idea is that when the user decides to convert for your business, he does not have to look too much for a call to action that gives him the final impulse to perform said conversion.


Usability is the relationship between your website with everything it contains and the user. As well as a relationship with another person, by relating to a website and its content we can feel welcome, interested, bored, indifferent, upset, attracted, etc.

But unlike very annoying and stubborn people, we can redesign the website so that the relationship improves and visitors feel at ease.

4. Control the loading speed

 The items you offer on your pages should load fast. If a page takes 15 seconds to load its content, there is something wrong. To increase the loading speed, optimize the content and performance of your site.

For example, if you have heavy images, change them to lighter formats and if they are very large, you can reduce the sizes so that they weigh less.

5. Keep it simple

If a person enters a web page that has hundreds of links, calls to action everywhere, animations, buttons and content saturation the first thing he feels is rejection.

Maintaining simplicity on your site will help the user to see the key points of your content easily and convert faster. It will help you to trace more efficient and compelling paths to the sale, registration, quotation or any other conversion you offer.

6. Update

When we enter a site and notice that it has not had new content for a long time, we feel a certain distrust. In other words, how am I going to buy something here if they don't give any signs of life? What if I need information or support?

Updating will not only serve to offer fresh and relevant content such as news and updates, but also to express an image of presence and concern for your customers. You are there for them no matter how much time you spend.

7. Offers a friendly site design

 The design of your website will be friendly if it presents all the elements in an aesthetic and organized way. The elements must be visible and ordered for the ease of use of the visitor.

When planning the information architecture of your site it is advisable to do it thinking about the user and how he will navigate between sections and pages as he performs the processes you offer.


How much need does the user feel to convert to your site? How much do you want what you offer? And how much are you willing to do to meet your need? All these questions depend on how motivated is the potential client that visits your website.

8. Create value and offer it

If you are selling sports shoes, do not sell just shoes. Sell   the experience of walking like never before, of total comfort, of wearing a new and personalized model.

The user will be attracted to see the benefits and advantages of your product over a standard and boring description. Tell them what you will gain and how you will feel when converting.

9. Motivate with supporting content

 You can support the conversion with content that motivates the visitor in many ways.

Following the example of sports shoes, you can offer images of people using them for running and sports, or even if you have the resources, a sports video as mountaineering in which the user can see the product in action and in an environment to convey the need to buy shoes.


Sometimes, although the motivation exists, the user needs a little extra push to decide to turn into a website. Therefore, offering a timely incentive can make a difference in your conversion rate.

10. Seduce with promotions and discounts

 By offering limited promotions and offers for periods of time, you can convince the user that you will gain an advantage by purchasing your product or service for a lower price. You will even generate that feeling of urgency to acquire a product before it comes out more expensive.

11. Give things away

Free stuff is great. If you offer something concrete in exchange for the conversion of your site, you are likely to convince those who doubt too much before paying attention to the call of action.

12. Offers exclusivity

Beyond a gift, users often look for a sense of belonging. And what is more important: they usually like them when they get it.

When a visitor considers converting to your site, you can offer exclusive content, future limited promotions and special services. This way you will feel that after converting for your business you will be satisfied and it will be valuable for your company.


Just as it is necessary to enhance the positive elements, it is also important to eliminate the negative elements. Let's see some elements that will have to be removed from our site to give the user a positive experience towards conversion.

13. Extensive forms

This may seem like a trifle, but forms in many fields are an obstacle that makes visitors disappear in a second.

Asking too much data from the user is boring and also why so much data? As if we were ever going to send you a fax.

Ask only the essentially necessary and no more. Many times email is enough but that will depend on your processes. Just remember that the more extensive the form, the more tedious it is for the person to complete it.

Example of a call to action to subscribe to a newsletter with your form:

14. Difficulties with payment processes

The payment process is a key moment in which the user is tense. He wants to know what's going on and it's not time for any kind of surprise.

Optimize the payment process so that it is agile and guided so that the user always knows what the next step is

15. Post-sale uncertainties

Sometimes we are so worried about converting, that we don't think about what comes next. The truth is that for the consumer it is an equally decisive moment.

Imagine that the user makes a purchase on your site, and after paying does not obtain any information from the step that follows.

In this case the user has already paid for something that he does not have. It is a key moment to keep you informed, mention the next step to follow and convey confidence.

Anxiety (for safety search)

All consumers have that defense mechanism that works as a paranoia that is suddenly activated, which makes us think of all the negative factors of making a purchase. This leads us to seek security that justifies our investment.

The same happens on websites. The user who is considering converting to a website is looking for elements that give him confidence in the pages. Let's see some.

16. Company information

By common sense, there must always be information "about" your business, which describes the activities it performs and what it offers to people.

However, additional information such as contact information, company address, branches and photos of your company help to strengthen the business-customer relationship by making the user start seeing the business as something more physical and tangible.

17. Figures, achievements and additional data of the company

Although the idea is not to bore the user with content about you, it is advantageous to have a section aimed at offering a more detailed view of your company. There you can see activities that you have done recently, results obtained and that offers the possibility of knowing your work team, your branches and your activities.

18. Testimonials and reviews

People take other users' opinions into account before trusting a business. For this reason, including testimonials from satisfied customers will cause visitors to dispel doubts about converting to your site.

It also shows your reviews generated by other users who already know you. These are increasingly important for the convertibility of a page, since "if a site does not have reviews that support it, then it may not have something really good to offer."

19. Security symbols

There are companies that certify the security or authenticity of the websites and their content with a symbol (usually with the company logo) that is usually located near the call to action of the page.

These certificates make people trust the site by being backed by genuine authorities, so they are effective peace of mind to increase conversions.


Taking into account what conversions you want to include in your website and understanding your audience will be the first step in optimizing the convertibility of your site. Follow these tips to boost your conversion rate, guiding your users directly to the satisfaction of their needs and along the way do not forget.
19 Tips to Improve your Website and Increase Conversions 19 Tips to Improve your Website and Increase Conversions Reviewed by Search for Articles Free - Admin on February 04, 2020 Rating: 5

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